How to stress free your ambitious life

Hello beauties,

welcome back to Fringe and Doll and also welcome back the team of Fringe and Doll. You may have noticed I haven’t been present on my blog for about a week or two! It happens to be one of the best unplanned moments that bloggers and generally all of us with stressing jobs can wish for. Anything spontaneous always sounds more excited than when you actually have plans to do something like relaxing… ehm is there a such a thing to plan a relaxing time? That’s why it is more exciting when you don’t know it is going to happen!

I thought this is a great opportunity to start my serious on ‘HOW TO anything IN YOUR LIFE’. I’ ll share a little tips & tricks that will benefit you personally in your own life of being a woman!  Working, being fashionista, multitasking at work and also at home, thinking for other person or just finding the time maintaining your own SELF. At the end of the day, we all feel the same! The stress comes and goes and all of us deal with it in a different way! But there is the BIG not so SECRET that everybody know but only few actually practice! It fits my last week experience, which I decided to share it with you here.

About 2 weeks ago I catch this awful usual time of the year virus that comes and goes! However, it got me so badly that I couldn’t leave my bed and what’s more terrible was that I had a busy week ahead.. catching up with Fashion Weeks, going to work, blogging, planning my next trips and loads more of ordinary stuff like cooking, tidying etc.  Nothing seemed like it can wait, well it had too! After all of this (which happens every year) finally somebody said to me, you need to slow down! This sentence has been such an opening for me. I know it sounds silly, but once your rich your top, you recognise you can’t do things the same way you did them for many years and you need some body else to reassure you that you can’t cope with everything on your mind. If somebody actually says it out loud, IT DEFINITELY HELPS!

After I got better, I decided I put all my worries on the side and will do only things I wanted to do for so long. I still went to my work every day of course, but I managed to create free stress zone in my own mind by thinking positive and not overload myself with to do lists! I had also stop working after working hours, so instead of rushing home to open the computer and start catching up with things I haven’t done, I actually went out for drinks with friends that I haven’t seen long time! I had some Netlfix time in the evenings too. And during my weekend, instead of spending the whole day blaming myself for waking up too late after all finally start working on that blog posts, I stayed in bed until noon, when for brunch at 1pm (I also ordered the delicious pancakes with bacon and maple syrup yay!) and I was doing absolutely NOTHING the whole day!

I am back at swing again, but this time I promised myself it will be different. I am doing what I should’ve done already ages ago – LIVING A STRESS FREE AMBITIOUS LIFE’. So here it is, I put together a list of actions that EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW to live stress free ambitious life. To make herself feel better, relaxed and of course to feel beautiful! Can you make sure you tick each one of them? If no, it is about to start right now. Take it slowly step by step, but get it start it right now!


Fringe and Doll’s 6 tips ‘how to stress free your ambitious life’:

1. Do one thing at the time
You always know it but you don’t do it! Your mind can’t generally focus on more than one thing at the time, even us woman who can multitask! If you are generally overload by things at work and in your spare time! Here is what you do to be less stressed about it and achieve more.
Focus as much as possible on doing one thing at a time. Clear your desk of distractions. Pick something to work on from your to do list! I for example divide my day between Morning and Afternoon – the time until lunch I do something doesn’t require a lot of pressure like editing picture, that works for me. After lunch I focus on things like writing articles, which takes me longer. But everybody works differently! Just make sure you do just one thing at the time. Do you have to prepare for meeting the next day? Do a little research in the morning, and in the afternoon set up key points of what do you want as a result form the meeting.

2. Have a blast
Do anything that makes you smile and have fun every day! For somebody it can be as simple as watching a video of cats and dogs – like me. Or playing with your kids every day, even if it is just half an hour. Doing something that puts smile on your face is the best stress-release therapy.

3. Get Creative
Being able to express yourself in a creative way always works. I like to for example paint and draw, so I went and got myself the full kit of things. Right now I am so excited about it and also planning some ideas what I will draw. But it can be something different for you, like writing, cooking new recipes, photography or maybe gardening or interior design.

4. Be Active
I know I know, we are running around in this modern world and to find the time to exercise is hard and sometimes expensive. But it doesn’t necessarily means you have to join your local gym members club. It can be as simple as walking to work, or wake up early and go for run. Of course take it step by step. I am currently working on to do a stretching few times a week, with a goal to stretch two times a day. I also join a pilates class one time a week. And I do already walk to work, it is very refreshing and you have plenty of time to think too! Just simply make plan to be active at least one time a week to start with and see how things go. Here is a little tip, even a sex is counting for being active.

5. Have time to do NOTHING
The time that we do nothing is absolutely key and so recharging. Just last week I end up turning my Netflix on and start watching a TV series. Don’t worry if you think you are waisting your time because you are NOT. Doing nothing is something  very powerful, you recharge your batteries and you’ll feel good as well. Just remember to not procrastinate, keep your ‘doing nothing’ in balance with other activities. If you are not fun of TV, buy yourself a new book and read few chapters, or our favourite magazine!

6. Do something for yourself
I always enjoy the time when I have a pamper time. Whether it is at home, painting your nails or in you favourite salon, it is something we women should have regularly. Have you not waxed your legs for quite sometimes? Well now it is the time! believe me you’ll feel better and your husband and boyfriend will appreciate too. I had for example just book myself for this lovely 1 hour facial and back massage. I had a manicure last week, and next week there is the time for home pedicure. Next month I have plan to go to my hair dresses and who knows what will be next. Anything that makes you feel beautiful that’s the time you deserve!


I hope you found this inspiring and motivating. make sure you don’t wait any longer and get started to LIVE YOUR STRESS FREE AMBITIOUS LIFE!

Psst. I gotta go beauties, I am having a lovely pamper time (Ren facial and back massage) to make up the odd times and to make myself feel pretty!
With Love, Radana.xx