I must admit it’s been a while but I really have missed my blog and creating content for Fringe and Doll. No doubt there will be more gaps as my work life always takes priority but I love the time I am creating content the most!
I’m actually finishing this post at 6am from a New York hotel in Manhattan! I’m still pinching myself that I am actually here! For those who don’t follow me on Instagram, I’ve just turned 30 and this trip is my birthday surprise from my fiancée!
I had such a wonderful day on Saturday! More about that in another post once I get to my laptop back in the UK.
I love this Stine Goya T-shirt I got from Stripes Fashion, the place I work at. I manage the whole aspect of the business for the owners, it’s challenging yet I really do enjoy it. I wore it on such a lovely sunny day, we had about 18 degrees last week in the UK, so beautiful. It also went so well with my yellow checked blazer from Mango, this one is still on sale so I’ve put a link below.
I couldn’t find the T-shirt anywhere online, so linked the same print that’s on a dress from the same collection. My jeans are from Citizens of Humanity, Elsa Style in Undeground Colour and they are in a cropped style! I recommend investing in your girlfriends pair like this Elsa style, so comfy. (I’ve got them with me in NY too!)
Trainers are old but you can get lots of similars ones, I’ve linked again my current favourite.
Well, that’s all from me! Check out my Instagram from updates from NYC!
With Love,
Radana xx

Styling: Radana Hruba
Photography: Andrew B.